Energy Certification

House Energy Certification

House Energy Certification is a certificate that documents the house’s energy efficiency, evaluated and certified by an ADENE licensed professional.

After visiting the house, the licensed professional makes the appropriate calculations he will then introduce to the Buildings Energy Certification and Inside Quality Air National System platform.

The level of energy efficiency attributed to the house is determined by the building characteristics (walls, roofs, floors and windows), eventual equipment associated to indoor air conditioning (air ventilation systems, indoor environment heating and cooling systems) and to the water heating system, as well as any renewable energy sources that the home may have.


Other items contributing for the level of energy efficiency are location and year of construction, type of house (townhouse, detached house or apartment), floor of the building.

After the evaluation and certification of the house, the house owner receives an Energy Efficiency Certificate than can span from A+ (very efficient) to F (very low efficiency).



This certificate is issued by our team members who are dully authorized and licensed by ADENE (Portuguese Energy Agency). The certificate has all the information about the energy consumption of the air conditioning and water heating systems. It can include suggestions of procedures to improve and reduce energy consumption, like the installation of double glass windows or wall isolation reinforcement. It can also mention tax benefits and access to credit options, if applicable.

“Energy Evaluation” – detailed evaluation of the use of energy in a house or building, in order to identify the different energy vectors and to identify the energy consumption. It can include, amongst others, identification of the surrounding area and the technical systems used, identification of the type of usage, quantification, monitoring and dynamic simulation of the energy consumption.

Licensed Specialist or “PQ” – a professional qualified and licensed to perform energy certification, according to Portuguese law Lei n.º 58/2013, de 20 de agosto;

Pre-certificate – A SCE certificate for new buildings or new independent floors of a building, as well as buildings or independent floors of a building undergoing large renovations, issued while still in its project designing phase.

Obligations of our licensed qualified specialists:

  1. Make the energy evaluation of the buildings to be certified by SCE, without compromising indoor air quality;
  2. Identify and evaluate, in the houses to be certified, opportunities for improving energy efficiency and make recommendations, recording these in the pre-certificate or certificate issued and in all complementary documentation
  3. Issue the pre-certificate and the final certificate
  4. Cooperate in the procedures of SCE quality verification
  5. Verify and submit to SCE an energy efficiency plan

An Energy Certificate is mandatory to all new and old buildings, from the moment they are marketed for selling or renting by their owners or real estate intermediaries.

This certificate must be presented when a mortgage, sale or rent deed is signed, proving the information publicized from the beginning about the level of energy efficiency of the home. Buildings undergoing renovations worth more than 25% of their value, must also request the issuance of an Energy Certificate.

Energy Certificate is mandatory for:

  • New buildings (a)
  • existing buildings undergoing major renovations and rehabilitation, in its surroundings and/or technical structures, worth more than 25% of the building’s value, according to its own set of regulations (a)
  • existing buildings for commercial purposes with an indoor floor area of 1000 m2, or 500 m2 if it is a shopping mall, supermarket or indoor swimming pool (b)
  • public owned buildings with an indoor floor area over 250 m2 and that are used by a public institution and opened to the public (b)
  • sale or rental contract deeds, where the propriety owner has to show the energy certificate to the potential buyer or tenant.

Building owners must exhibit their energy certificate in a visible place at the entrance of the following buildings:

  • Commercial buildings with more than 250 m2 mentioned in (a)
  • Buildings mentioned in (b)

According to current legislation, a fine of 250 to 3740 euros is applicable to those advertising the sale or rental of a hhouse without the corresponding energy certificate. For company owned buildings, the fine can go from 2500 to 44.890 euros.

5 steps for getting na Energy Certificate:

1st – place a request by telephone (215 873 741 | 967 389 269) or by email

Our qualified staff are licensed by ADENE. We have licensed staff both in mainland Portugal as well as the Portuguese islands.

2nd – Before our licensed specialist visit, put together all the documentation of the house. Ambiosfera can tell you all the necessary documents. Reviewing this documentation will allow for a more accurate and realistic evaluation of your house. You may check all the information needed here.

3rd – verify our licensed specialist identification and facilitate his access to all rooms of your house. A visit from our licensed specialist is mandatory and allows for gathering detailed information and the correct profiling of your house.

4th – Be part of the all process of certification and evaluate, with our specialist, possible improving measures.  Clarify any doubts with our specialist and inquire about how to improve your house and apply for all benefits possible.


5th – if you wish, you may request a first draft of your certificate and check all the information on the document. Before issuing your final Energy Certificate, our specialist can give you a non-binding copy for your certificate allowing you to verify if all the information is according to what was mentioned in the visit to your house.


Now, you can benefit from all the advantages of holding an Energy Certificate of your house.

“it’s a way to know your house better, reduce energy related costs and improve your well-being. With a more efficient energy consumption, your house becomes more valuable not only to you, but also in the real estate market.”


Energy Certification gives the Portuguese an evaluation and validation tool independent of the energy performance of their homes, as well as the identification of opportunities for improvement, that can be used to make their homes more energy efficient, generating savings in their energy bill and making their lives healthier and more comfortable.

Energy Certification gives information to the buyer or new tenant about the energy efficiency of their new house. Aspects like house insolation, construction materials used, efficiency of existing air and water systems, renewable energy system, and their possible energy consumption and CO2 emissions, become available to everyone.

By certifying your house, you avoid possible applicable fines for nonconformity.

Expiration date for Energy Certificates:

  • Home buildings – 10 years
  • Small comercial buildings – 10 years
  • Large commercial buildings – 6 years, for SCE certificates issued before april 30, 2015
  • Large commercial buildings – 8 years, for SCE certificates issued after april 30, 2015

Aditional Expiration dates:

  • Unfinished buildings – 1 year (extendable by request to ADENE);
  • Existing commercial buildings without an updated maintenance plan – 1 year (non extendable)
  • Existing commercial buildings with a Energy Consumption Plan – 6 years, for SCE certificates issued before april 30, 2015
  • Existing commercial buildings with a Energy Consumption Plan – 8 years, for SCE certificates issued after april 30, 2015
  • Vacant commercial building, for sale or lease – 1 year (extendable by request to ADENE)

Document valid for 10 years for home buildings and small commercial buildings. For large commercial buildings the expiration date is as follows:

  • – 6 years, for SCE certificates issued before april 30, 2015
  • – 8 years, for SCE certificates issued after april 30, 2015

For Energy Certification of most buildings, apartment units and houses, the following documents are needed:

  • Copy of the building plants
  • Home owners property tax document
  • Home owners registration document
  • Technical house profile document (stating construction materials used, existing air and water systems).

You may find a complete list from ADENE here :Listagem de documentação

Requirements for QELei n.º 58/2013. D.R. n.º 159, Série I de 2013-08-20Approves the requirements for access to and the exercise of the activity of a qualified expert for energy certification and a technician for the installation and maintenance of buildings and systems, complying with the discipline of Law No. 9/2009, of 4 March, which transposed Directive no. 2005/36 / EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 7 September 2005, on the recognition of professional qualifications
SCE, RDEEH, RDEECSDecreto-Lei n.º 118/2013. D.R. n.º 159, Série I de 2013-08-20Approves the Energy Certification System for Buildings, the Energy Performance Regulation for Residential Buildings and the Energy Performance Regulation for Commercial and Services Buildings, and transposes Directive No. 2010/31 / EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings
First amendment to Decree-Law n.º 118/2013Decreto-Lei n.º 68-A/2015. D.R. n.º 84, Série I de 2015-04-30Establishes directives on energy efficiency and co-generation, transposing Directive No. 2012/27 / EU, of the European Parliament and the Council, of 25 October 2012, on Energy Efficiency, into the internal legal order, also making the first amendment to Decree -Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, which approves the Energy Certification System for Buildings, the Energy Performance Regulation for Residential Buildings and the Energy Performance Regulation for Commercial and Service Buildings, and transposes the Directive No. 2010/31 / EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 19 May 2010, on the energy performance of buildings.
Second amendment to Decree-Law n.º 118/2013Decreto-Lei n.º 194/2015. D.R. n.º 179, Série I de 2015-09-14Second amendment to Decree-Law No. 118/2013, of 20 August, on the energy performance of buildings, and the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 53/2014, of 8 April, which establishes a exceptional and temporary regime applicable to the rehabilitation of buildings or fractions, whose construction has been completed at least 30 years ago or located in areas of urban rehabilitation, whenever they are intended to be totally or predominantly used for housing.
Third amendment to Decree-Law n.º 118/2013Decreto-Lei n.º 251/2015. D.R.n.º 231, Série I de 2015-11-25Third amendment to Decree-Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, which approved the Energy Certification System for Buildings, the Energy Performance Regulation for Residential Buildings and the Energy Performance Regulation for Commercial Buildings and Services, and transposed Directive no. 2010/31 / EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 19 May 2010, on the energy performance of buildings.
Fourth amendment to Decree-Law n.º 118/2013Decreto-Lei n.º 28/2016. D.R. n.º 119, Série I de 2016-06-23Fourth amendment to Decree-Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, on improving the energy performance of buildings, and which transposed Directive no. 2010/31 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 19, 2010.
Fifth amendment to Decree-Law n.º 118/2013Lei n.º 52/2018. D.R. n.º 159, Série I de 2018-08-20Fifth amendment to Decree-Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, on improving the energy performance of buildings, and which transposed Directive no. 2010/31 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 19, 2010.
Indoor air (minimum values Air Quality / protective thresholds / Reference Conditions for Pollutants)Portaria n.º 349-A/2013. D.R. n.º 232, Suplemento, Série I de 2013-11-29Establishes the minimum values of fresh air flow per space, as well as the protection thresholds and reference conditions for indoor air pollutants in new and existing commercial and service buildings, subject to major intervention and existing ones and the respective assessment methodology.
First amendment to Ordinance n.º 349-A/2013Portaria n.º 115/2015. D.R. n.º 80, Série I de 2015-04-24First amendment to Ordinance No. 349-A / 2013, of 29 November, which determines the competences of the management entity of the Energy Certification System for Buildings (SCE), regulates the activities of SCE technicians, establishes the categories of buildings, for purposes of energy certification, as well as the types of pre-certificates and SCE certificates and responsibility for their issuance, sets the registration fees at the SCE and establishes the criteria for quality verification of the SCE certification processes, as well as the elements that must appear in the report and the annotation in the individual record of the Qualified Expert (PQ).
Second amendment to Ordinance n.º 349-A/2013Portaria n.º 39/2016, D.R. n.º 46, Série I de 2016-03-07Second amendment to Annex IV of Ordinance No. 349-A / 2013, of 29 November, which determines the competences of the management entity of the Buildings Energy Certification System (SCE), regulates the activities of SCE technicians, establishes the categories of buildings, for the purposes of energy certification, as well as the types of pre-certificates and SCE certificates and responsibility for their issuance, sets the registration fees at the SCE and establishes the criteria for quality verification of the SCE certification processes, as well as the elements that should appear in the report and in the annotation in the individual record of the Qualified Expert (PQ).
Energy Efficiency LevelsPortaria n.º 349-B/2013. D.R. n.º 232, Suplemento, Série I de 2013-11-29Defines the methodology for determining the energy efficiency level for the type of pre-certificates and SCE certificates, as well as the requirements for technical behavior and efficiency of the technical systems of new buildings and buildings subject to major intervention
First amendment to Ordinance n.º 349-B/2013Portaria n.º 379-A/2015. D.R. n.º 207, Série I de 2015-10-22First amendment of Ordinance No. 349 -B / 2013, of 29 November, which defines the methodology for determining the energy efficiency level for the type of pre-certificates and SCE certificates, as well as the requirements for technical and efficiency of thermal systems in new buildings subject to intervention.
Second amendment to Ordinance n.º 349-B/2013Portaria n.º 319/2016 D.R. n.º 239, Série I DE 2016-12-15Second amendment of Ordinance No. 349-B / 2013 of 20 August that defines the methodology for determining the energy efficiency level for the type of pre-certificate and SCE certificate, as well as the requirements for thermal behavior and efficiency of systems technicians of new buildings subject to intervention.
Third amendment to Ordinance n.º 349-B/2013Portaria n.º 98/2019  D.R. n.º 65, Série I de 2019-04-02Third amendment of Ordinance No. 349 -B / 2013, of 29 November, amended by Ordinance No. 379 -A / 2015, of 22 October, and by Ordinance No. 319/2016, of 15 December, which defines the methodology for determining the energy efficiency level for the type of pre-certificates and SCE certificates, as well as the requirements for technical behavior and efficiency of the technical systems of new buildings and buildings subject to major intervention.
Requirements for Thermic Quality and Efficiency Portaria n.º 349-D/2013. D.R. n.º 233, 2.º Suplemento, Série I de 2013-12-02Establishes the design requirements for the thermal quality of the surroundings and the efficiency of the technical systems of new buildings, buildings subject to major intervention and existing buildings.
Correction to Ordinance nº 349-D/2013Declaração de Retificação n.º 3/2014. D.R. n.º 22, Série I de 2014-01-31Corrects Ordinance No. 349-D / 2013, of December 2, of the Ministries of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy and Solidarity, Employment and Social Security, which establishes the design requirements for the thermal quality of the environment and efficiency of technical systems for new buildings, buildings subject to major intervention and existing buildings, published in Diário da República No. 233, 1st series, 2nd supplement, on December 2, 2013.
First amendment to Ordinance nº 349-D/2013Portaria n.º 17-A/2016, D.R. n.º 24, Série I de 2016-02-04First amendment to Ordinance No. 349-D / 2013, of 2 December, which establishes the design requirements for the thermal quality of the surroundings and the efficiency of the technical systems of new buildings, buildings subject to intervention and existing buildings.
Second amendment to Ordinance nº 349-D/2013Portaria n.º 42/2019, D.R. n.º 21, Série I de 2019-01-30Second amendment to Ordinance No. 349-D / 2013, of December 2, rectified by Statement of Rectification No. 3/2014, of January 31, and republished by Ordinance No. 17-A / 2016, of 4 February, which establishes the design requirements for the thermal quality of the surroundings and the efficiency of the technical systems of new buildings, buildings subject to intervention and existing buildings.
Minimum valuesPortaria n.º 353-A/2013. D.R. n.º 235, Suplemento, Série I de 2013-12-04Establishes the minimum values of fresh air flow per space, as well as the protection thresholds and reference conditions for indoor air pollutants in new and existing commercial and service buildings, subject to major intervention and existing ones and the respective assessment methodology
Correction to Ordinance nº 353-A/2013Declaração de Retificação n.º 2/2014. D.R. n.º 22, Série I de 2014-01-31Corrects Ordinance 353-A / 2013 of 4 December, of the Ministries of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, Health and Solidarity, Employment and Social Security, which establishes the minimum values of fresh air flow per space, as well as the protection thresholds and reference conditions for indoor air pollutants in new and existing commercial and service buildings, subject to major intervention and existing ones and the respective assessment methodology, published in Diário da República no. 235, 1st series , supplement, of December 4, 2013
SCE/RJ CertificationPortaria n.º 66/2014. D.R. n.º 50, Série I de 2014-03-12Defines the system for evaluating the technicians of the Energy Certification System for Buildings (SCE) and approves the adaptations to the legal certification regime for access and exercise of professional training activity, approved by Ordinance No. 851/2010, of 6 September
Energy Certification ModelsDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-C/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Publication of models associated with the different types of pre-certificate and certificate of the energy certification system (SCE) to be issued for new buildings, subject to major intervention and existing ones.
Conversion factorsDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-D/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Establishes the conversion factors between useful energy and primary energy to be used in determining the annual nominal needs of primary energy.
Simplification rulesDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-E/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Establishes the simplification rules to be used in buildings subject to major interventions, as well as existing ones.
Climatic zoningDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-F/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Publishes the parameters for the climatic zoning and the respective data.
Testing and reception/ Maintenance PlanDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-G/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Publication of the minimum elements to be included in the testing and reception procedure of the installations and the minimum elements to be included in the maintenance plan (PM) and respective terminology.
Rules for quantifying and accounting FERDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-H/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Establishes the rules for quantifying and accounting for the contribution of systems to harness energy sources from renewable energy sources, according to the type of system.
Renewable Energy Source CalculusDespacho n.º 3156/2016, D.R. n.º 42, Série II de 2016-03-01Replacement of the calculation program for determining the energy produced by solar thermal systems and solar photovoltaic systems, within the scope of the Energy Certification System for Buildings, as well as the replacement of the entity responsible for the program.
Change to Order n.º 15793-H/2013Despacho n.º 10346/2018, D.R. n.º 215, Série II de 2018-11-08Order No. 10346/2018, of 8 November, was published, which proceeds to the amendment of Order No. 15793-H / 2013. This new Order indicates the calculation program for determining the energy produced by solar thermal and photovoltaic systems within the scope of the SCE, but also contemplates the possibility of using another tool that uses an equivalent calculation methodology that allows, when applicable, to quantify that energy for various uses.
Calculation methodologies
Heating+Cooling /DHW/PE
Despacho (extrato) n.º 15793-I/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03It establishes the calculation methodologies to determine the nominal annual useful energy needs for space heating and cooling, the nominal useful energy needs for the production of domestic hot water (DHW) and the annual global nominal primary energy requirements.
Change to Order n.º 15793-I/2013Despacho n.º 3777/2017 D.R. n.º 87, SÉRIE II DE 2017-05-05Changes Order No. 15793-I / 2013 in order to harmonize the methodologies foreseen in the diplomas published in the meantime, namely with regard to the quantification of the contribution of renewable energy obtained from heat pumps to determine nominal needs annual useful energy for space heating and cooling, the nominal useful energy needs for hot water production (DHW) and the annual global nominal primary energy needs.
Rules to Enenergy Efficiency LevelsDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-J/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Publishes the rules for determining the energy efficiency level.
Thermal parametersDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-K/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Publication of thermal parameters for calculating the values included in this Order.
Correction of Order No. 15793-K / 2013Declaração de Retificação n.º 127/2014. D.R. n.º 29, Série II de 2014-02-11Correction of Order No. 15793-K / 2013, published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 234, of December 3, 2013.
energy rationalization planDespacho (extrato) n.º 15793-L/2013. D.R. n.º 234, 3.º Suplemento, Série II de 2013-12-03Processes the publication of the methodology for determining the economic viability of using or adopting a certain energy efficiency measure, provided for under an energy rationalization plan.
SCE/QEDespacho n.º 7113/2015. D.R. n.º 124, Série II de 2015-06-29Proceed with the publication of the selection criteria for verifying the quality of the processes and methodologies for verifying the quality of the certification processes carried out by the technicians of the Building Energy Certification System (SCE), in particular the Qualified Experts.
SCE/QEDeclaração de Retificação n.º 769/2015. D.R. n.º 174, Série II de 2015-09-07Correction of Order No. 7113/2015, published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, No. 124, of June 29, 2015, regarding the selection criteria for the verification of the quality of the processes carried out by the technicians of the Energy Certification of Buildings.
classification methodology for elevatorsDespacho n.º 8892/2015. D.R. n.º155, Série II de 2015-08-11Defines the classification methodology to be adopted for lifts, moving walkways and escalators to be installed in commercial and service buildings in order to assess compliance with the minimum energy efficiency requirements indicated in Table I.31 “Minimum efficiency requirements for lifts, according to VDI 4707 ”of that annex.
Qusable e SPF methodology Despacho n.º 14985/2015. D.R. n.º 246, Série II de 2015-12-17Publishes the methodology to be used to determine the values (Qusable) and Seasonal Performance Factor (SPF) used in the methodology for calculating the contribution of renewable energy obtained from heat pumps.
Energy Certificate Performance Despacho (extrato) n.º 6469/2016. D.R. n.º 95, Série II de 2016-05-17Assessment of the evolution of the energy performance of buildings in the models associated with the different types of pre-certificates (PCE) and certificates (CE) of the Energy Certification System for Buildings (SCE).
ERPDespacho (extrato) n.º 6470/2016. D.R. n.º 95, Série II de 2016-05-17Definition of requirements associated with the preparation of energy rationalization plans.
FE urban networksDespacho (extrato) n.º 4343/2019 D.R. n.º 81, Série II de 2019-04-26Defines the conversion factor for urban cold and heat networks powered by cogeneration or trigeneration systems.
Autonomous Region of Madeira
Decree-Law n.º 118/2013 (SCE, RDEEH, RDEECS) adapted to AR of MadeiraDecreto Legislativo Regional n.º 1/2016/M, D.R. n.º 9, Série I de 2016-01-14Adapts to the Autonomous Region of Madeira Decree -Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, which approved the Energy Certification System for Buildings, the Energy Performance Regulation for Housing Buildings and the Energy Performance Regulation for Buildings Trade and services, and transposed Directive no. 2010/31 / EU, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 19 May 2010, on the energy performance of buildings.
Autonomous Region of Azores
SCE adapted to AR of the AzoresDecreto Legislativo Regional n.º 4/2016/A, D.R. n.º 22, Série I de 2016-02-02Adapts to the Autonomous Region of the Azores the Energy Certification System for Buildings, the Regime for access and exercise of the activity of qualified expert for energy certification and installation and maintenance technician for buildings and systems, and the exceptional and temporary Regime applicable to rehabilitation of buildings or fractions, whose construction has been completed at least 30 years ago or located in areas of urban rehabilitation, whenever they are intended to be totally or predominantly affected by housing use.
Azores SCE PortalPortal da energia dos AçoresAzores SCE Portal. Information on the Azores Buildings Energy Certification System and features provided for in this scope, namely the search for certified buildings, the submission of pre-certificates (PCE) and SCE certificates (CE SCE) and accreditation application.

Energy Certification for buildings in project stage

Energy Certification for large and / or commercial buildings

Certificate Request

Pedido de Proposta