

Nuno Esteves Carvalho | Coordination and Technical Management

Environmental Engineer

Eng. Nuno Carvalho, managing partner of the company Ambiosfera is an Environmental Engineer, graduated from UNL-FCT and is the main mentor of this project since he was the one who identified the opportunity of this concept of energy management versus indoor air quality, which gives birth to this project. With a business experience of more than 10 years in the national and international market since it already had an import company of articles from different geographical origins such as Indonesia, Brazil, Nepal, Thailand. This human resource is of vital importance in the management of all the resources of this project together with Miguel Duarte and in the preparation and organization of all events, workshops and training actions and holds a very active participation in the creation of dynamics with Ambiosfer’s partners (CAOS, BCSD and Chamber of Commerce, among others) as well as in the design of the entire commercial and prospecting strategy for new clients and markets. With 9 years of experience in the field of energy management and building energy certification and a great knowledge of the national and international market players, he is an essential part and vitally important in the development of this project and in its national and international projection.

Pedro Manuel Machado | Technology & Mechanics Researcher

Degree in Mechanical Engineer

He has an essential role in the project, since he is a mechanical engineer with all the credentials in the market in the energy area (PQI, PQII, ISO50001 auditor, technician recognized as an energy auditor by DGE) and also has a great command and experience in programming, creating an essential bridge between the engineering component of the project and programming and databases. He is essential for transposing the real engineering needs into the code to be produced and a decoding point for both engineering parties and programmers. It should also be noted that he has extensive experience in the project area, in HVAC components and fire safety, as well as in energy management and energy certification of buildings in all its valences. Experienced in the field of computing, having performed as a Systems Analyst at the Association of Official Accountants, where he performed databases and user interface, he also had specific preparation and toke an SQL course at the Oracle Department of Education. In carrying out work on HVAC design, energy audit and certification, he has developed his own software in Visual Basic and Python, for data analysis. He is proficient in: Basic and Visual Basic, C ++, Python, and SQL.

Also having the following experiences: IDI for calculating Air Treatment Units, with iterative analysis of operation and evolution of the psychrometric state of the air in all points of the UTA (batteries, heat recovery units, mixing zone, engines), interior temperature and mixing and evolution in time-steps defined for calculating UTAS for health. Includes simulation of control functions; IDI for calculating solar systems, with annual production verification, with module for diverse and stratified accumulation, heating of swimming pools and support energies. Includes simulation of control functions; IDI of thermal transmission in opaque spans, for calculating thermal transmission with inertia and verification of thermal bridges; IDI for calculating pressure gradients, inlet and outlet, to check infiltrations and thermal losses due to loss of volume, in specific rooms; IDI for calculating hydraulic network pipes, for dimensioning diameters and circulators, with simulation of all consumption elements including fancoils and UTAS; IDI for calculating the aeolian network, for sizing rectangular and circular duct networks, respective diffusers and terminal units; IDI for calculating effective return for heat exchangers (aero type), to verify energy recovered and consumed in real conditions; IDI to use the files produced as “output” by the “energy plus” software for analysis of energy production machines, with verification of operation and real efficiency in conditions of partial capacity and with indoor and outdoor temperatures different from the nominal, with accounting for network power and temperature differential.

André Câncio Guimarães | Environment Researcher
(Oct 2018 - Jul 2019)

Degree in Environmental Engineering - Environment Branch

Postgraduate in Quality, Environment, Safety and Social Responsibility

CCP Trainer (ex CAP)

Eng. André Câncio Guimarães holds, since July 2006, a degree in Environmental Engineering – Environment Branch, from the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a final average of 15 points. In 2009, he obtained a Postgraduate degree in Integrated Management of Quality, Environment, Safety and Social Responsibility Systems, by S.G.S – Portugal, S.A, with a final grade of 14.5. In 2011 he obtained the Certificate of Initial Pedagogical Training of Trainers.

He started his professional career in the area of ​​education and environmental awareness in the local administration. In February 2007, he joined the team at Matos, Fonseca & Associados, Lda. where he ended up assuming the functions of Project Manager and Quality & Environment Supervisor. Implemented the Quality Management System of Matos, Fonseca & Associados, which obtained certification according to the NP EN ISO 9001: 2008 standard, in March 2011. Collaborated and implemented the transition to certification according to the ISO 9001 standard : 2015, for which the System is currently certified. Participated in internal audits (ISO 9001) to NetPlan and SN Seixal.

Over more than 12 years of professional experience, Eng. André Câncio Guimarães collaborated and coordinated projects and studies of a very diverse nature in the area of ​​environmental consultancy and in particular in the area of ​​impact assessment, sustainability and environmental management.

Eng. André Câncio Guimarães is vital in the coordination and management of the project in its environmental aspect, as well as in articulation with Eng. Nuno Carvalho in the organization of all events and workshops to be held throughout the project. Eng. André Câncio Guimarães will also have the mission of making the link between CAOS and the project and incorporating into the project all the competences related to carbon and climate change that are intended.

Eng. André Câncio Guimarães will also have a leading role in the preparation of content for all training actions and workshops to be held, both in international as well national markets. In articulation with the Eng. Nuno Carvalho, he will also have an active participation in the elaboration of all the written contents of this project as well as of all the reports to be elaborated in the referred scope.

He holds an Italian course (60 hours) taught by the Polytechnic Institute of Milan, and an ArcGis 8.x, Level II course (21 hours), taught by ESRI, Portugal.

Jorge Castro | Mechanical Researcher

Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Postgraduate MIT Portugal: Sustainable Energy Systems

Solar Thermal Systems Designer

REH Designer

CCP Trainer (ex CAP)

Photovoltaic Solar Systems Technician

Engineer Jorge Castro will act as a complement to the participation of Engineer Pedro Machado in the project, but with a more focused vision and experience of energy sustainability, with a great experience in monitoring the work and installing HVAC equipment and skills that allow him to provide support to the construction in the elaboration of all the contents for the training actions and workshops in the components related to the mechanical part of the project. It will thus act as a bridge between the mechanical engineering part of the project and the environmental part with a sensitivity to the theme inherent to its complementary training. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto and later carried out Advanced Studies in Sustainable Energy Systems at MIT Portugal – Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto.

In his professional career, he has taken on the role of project director and project manager for HVAC installations in numerous companies, including a vast experience as an HVAC designer and as a qualified PQI and PQII expert, which gives him all the skills for energy certification of buildings where you also have a wide portfolio of certified buildings.

Biazi Bayer | Technology Researcher

Degree in Technology and Systems Development Analysis

Machine Learning Engineering Specialist

The hired researcher for this project in the area of “Technology”, namely in the scope of Artificial Intelligence, IoT, database and machine learning, is Technologist Biazi Bayer. Considered a specialist in Machine Learning Engineering, Biazi Bayer holds a Bachelors Degree in Technology and Analysis of Systems Development by the Centro Universitário da Grande Doutorados (UNIGRAN), and attends the Master in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA IMS) scheduled for completion in 2019, still during the execution of the current project.

Biazi Bayer, works in liaison with Engineer Pedro Machado and carries out the functions related to the following areas in the project:

  • Big data;
  • Sensor networks;
  • Database and data communication infrastructures;

Biazi Bayer is also knowledgeable in Java and web programming, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Miguel Duarte | Environment Researcher
(Sep 2019 - present)

Degree in Environmental Engineering

Master in Energy and Bioenergy

The contracted researcher has a degree in Environmental Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Energy and Bioenergy, from the Faculty of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Throughout his professional career he has being part of several consulting projects in renewable energy and the environment, at national and international level, working in several multidisciplinary teams. Recently, he has been developing work in the area of energy certification and audits, always focusing on resource efficiency and its potential for improvement. Its strengths make an important contribution to the project in terms of energy efficiency in buildings and optimization of the various technical systems that comprise it. Together with Eng. Nuno Carvalho, he gives an important contribution in all aspects of project coordination, as well as in the elaboration of the respective contents of dissemination and preparation of reports within the scope.


The UNINOVA team, led by Professor Doctor Luís Manuel Camarinha-Matos, contributes with skills in the development of frameworks and architectures, systems modeling, reference architectures; organization of workshops with stakeholders, and organization of conferences (as is the case with international PRO-VE and DoCEIS conferences). All the skills necessary for these contributions are supported by the short biography of the team.

Professor Luís Manuel Camarinha-Matos

Professor Luis M. Camarinha-Matos received his PhD in Computer Engineering from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 1989 and is currently Permanent Professor in the section of robotics and integrated manufacturing of the Department of Electrotechnical Engineering at the same university. He is co-founder of the Technology and Systems Center and coordinator of the CoDIS (Collaborative networks and Distributed Industrial Systems) group at UNINOVA. He participated in many national and international projects both as a researcher and as a coordinator.

He also coordinated many successful projects in the area of ​​virtual organizations and information and aging technologies (Esprit PRODNET II, ​​IST THINKcreative, VOmap, TeleCARE, ECOLEAD, ePAL, BRAID, GloNet) and in cooperation projects between Europe and Latin America (, FlexSys, SCM +, MASSYVE). He was the founder of the working group WG5.5 of IFIP COVE and SOCOLNET (Society of Collaborative Networks) and is currently president of both. Prof. Camarinha-Matos has been involved in organizing and commissioning programs for more than 330 international conferences, has edited magazines and books and has more than 380 publications in magazines and conferences. He has also been a jury and evaluator of projects for the European Commission and other programs (Portugal, Brazil, Ireland, Czech Republic, Norway, Hong Kong, Estonia, Austria, Chile, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland and Argentina).

Ana Inês da Silva Oliveira

Invited Assistant Professor and Researcher

Ana Inês Oliveira received her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in June 2016. She is currently an Assistant Professor in the section of robotics and integrated manufacturing of the Department of Electrotechnical Engineering at the same university. She is also a collaborator in the research group CoDIS (Collaborative Networks and Distributed Industrial Systems) at the research institute UNINOVA. Her research interests are based on collaborative networks, namely virtual organizations, virtual communities and professional virtual communities; negotiation applied to collaborative networks, automatic learning simulation of distributed manufacturing systems and IoT. She has several publications in international newspapers, conference proceedings, and book chapters. She has also been involved in European research projects such as: TeleCARE, ECOLEAD, ePAL, BRAID and GloNet. She is a founding member of SOCOLNET (Society of Collaborative Networks) and reviewer of articles for magazines.

Filipa Alexandra Moreira Ferrada

Invited Assistant Professor and Researcher

Filipa Ferrada received her PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in November 2017. She is currently a collaborator in the research group CoDIS (Collaborative Networks and Distributed Industrial Systems) at the research institute UNINOVA. Her research interests are based on collaborative networks, namely virtual organizations, virtual communities and professional virtual communities; risk management in collaborative networks, collective emotions, affective computing, simulation and IoT. She has several publications in international newspapers, conference proceedings, and book chapters. She has also been involved in European research projects such as: TeleCARE, ECOLEAD, ePAL, BRAID and GloNet. She is a founding member of SOCOLNET (Society of Collaborative Networks) and reviewer of articles for magazines.

João Almeida das Rosas

Assistant Professor and Researcher

João Rosas received his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in June 2010. He is currently Assistant Professor in the section of robotics and integrated manufacturing of the Department of Electrotechnical Engineering at the same university. He is also a collaborator in the research group CoDIS (Collaborative Networks and Distributed Industrial Systems) at the research institute UNINOVA. His research interests are based on real-time systems, robotics, IoT, and simulation of distributed manufacturing systems. He has several publications in international newspapers, conference proceedings, and book chapters. He also participated in several research projects funded by the European Commission.


CAOS – Butterflies and Sustainability Project springs up from the nearly 20 years of experience accumulated by the two partners, in a wide range of articles on climate change, which are made available to customers and other interested parties, through partnerships built over weeks, months and years of shared visions, passions, values ​​and work. We want to share knowledge while learning from whom we work with. Growing while helping others to grow.

Inês Sousa Mourão

Managing Partner CAOS

Environmental Engineer

With extensive experience in Climate Change, both in the political and technical component, she has been accompanying public and private entities in the definition and implementation of low carbon strategies and adaptation to climate change.

Among the entities with which it has been collaborating, the Ministry of the Environment, the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), the Portuguese Geographic Institute (IGP) and the Executive Committee of the Commission for Climate Change (CECAC), the Portuguese Institute for Development Support (IPAD), the Municipality of Seia (CMS), the World Bank (BM), the European Commission (EC), the General Directorate of Environment of Cape Verde and the São Tomé and Príncipe, Oikos, Sonae Sierra, Sonae Turismo, Delta cafes, Tivoli Hóteis & Resorts, among others. She was appointed by Portugal to join the United Nations expert group for the review of Inventories of Emissions and Removal of Greenhouse Effect Gases (GHG) and National Communications. She started her professional activity in 2003 at Ecoprogresso – Consultants in Environment and Development, having coordinated the Public Policy area. At the moment, her work is mainly focused on national and international politics, namely on instruments related to Development Cooperation and its relationship with Climate Change, as a vehicle for Sustainability, through Training and the Development of Low Carbon Development Strategies Adapted to a Climate.